What support can I expect from my academic adviser?

What support can I expect from my academic adviser?

This video was requested, to show what help and support that can be provided by Academic Advisers.

We used Adobe Character Animator, which is available through AppsAnywhere to create the video. It is powerful software that will use your webcam to track your head movements, eye direction and mouth shape and instantaneously map these on to an animated “puppet”, animate it in real time and synchronise mouth movements to speech.

It is a lot quicker to use this, using one of the default characters, than it would be to create an animated video from scratch. It synchronises mouth movements to pre-recorded audio as well, which meant it was easier and quicker to re-record and edit the dialogue when it needed to be changed than it would have been to set up and re-record real video.

This is the video on ‘What support can I expect from my academic adviser?’.

Potential Use Cases

  • It can be used to present Information in an engaging way.
  • It can provide information in an alternative format.
  • It can use real student voices while preserving anonymity.


This took 2 to 3 weeks to complete because we needed to arrange convenient times to record the students, create three different “puppets” from a template, photograph the backgrounds and edit the video.

Client Involvement

The client provided a script and arranged volunteers for the audio recording. They collected feedback from key stakeholders – which did mean that the audio recordings had to be revised.