Batch upload of feedback file attachments

Batch upload of feedback file attachments

The Marks and Feedback Tool in Blackboard enables you to batch upload feedback file attachments to the Gradebook from student work submitted online but graded offline.

Before you begin, familiarise yourself with the considerations associated with the Marks and Feedback tool at the bottom of this guide, and speak with a colleague from the Digital Learning Team.

Feedback template files

Prior to downloading the student submissions, you can upload a module feedback template file (e.g. a blank marking grid). This will automatically create a unique copy of the feedback template for each student within the downloaded package file. These are readily named in the correct format for each student (Tfeedback_username, e.g. Tfeedback_c2345678) for uploading back to the Gradebook. If you do not include a module feedback template file, a blank system template file will be downloaded in its place readily named for each student. You can choose to use this blank document or ignore it.

Using the Marks and Feedback tool

There are six stages involved when batch uploading feedback file attachments:

  1. Download the student submissions you wish to mark. A package file containing the student submissions will be created.
  2. Extract the student submissions in the original file format in which they were submitted and the Excel file that the package file contains. Extract the files to a directory that you can easily locate. Unless you specifically added your own feedback template file, you will see a blank system feedback template file created for each student. Feedback template files for each student are readily named in the correct format for enabling the upload of feedback.
  3. Create the feedback. You might annotate against the original student work in the files that you extracted or create separate feedback files (e.g. a cover sheet or feedback grid). When saving feedback, you need to ensure each file is named or resaved using the format of 'feedback_username'. Ensure that you enter the marks for each student in the grade column in the Excel file that you extracted along with the student submissions and save this in the directory along with the feedback files you have created.
  4. Prepare the feedback files for uploading by creating a package file containing the feedback files and the Excel file containing the marks.
  5. Upload grades and feedback by attaching the package file containing the feedback files and the Excel file containing the marks.
  6. Release grades.

Stage 1: Download the student submissions

Step 1. Click View module & institutional tools from the Details & Actions menu.

Step 2. Click the Marks and Feedback tool. You will see a list of all assignments created in your Blackboard site.

Step 3. If you have a feedback template that you want to use to provide feedback to each student, click the Manage Templates button and upload the file on the Template Management Page, and click Submit to return to the Assignment List.

Step 4. From the Assignment List, click Download against the assignment name.

Step 5. Select the students you are responsible for marking. Click Show All to see all students in a single view. Selecting the check box next to Username will select all students who have made a submission. Click Submit. (Do not select Package for plagiarism detection (Turnitin or SafeAssign) submission).

Step 6. You will see a processing screen. Wait for the process to finish and click Click here to continue. You will be prompted to save the downloaded package file. Save the file to a location that you can easily locate.

Stage 2: Extract student work

Step 7. From your chosen save location, unzip the package file by right-clicking on it, choosing 7-Zip and then Extract file… to a chosen location. You will see an Excel file and a folder for each of the students that includes their original submission and a readily named feedback template file.

Stage 3: Create the feedback

Step 8. If you are annotating the student’s papers and/or using the feedback template files, open the files, add your feedback, and save the feedback files at the same level with the Excel file. Except for the feedback template files, which are already readily named for uploading, all other feedback files must be named in the format of ‘feedback_username’, (e.g. feedback_c2345678).

Step 9. Open the Excel file, add the add marks in the grade column for each student, and optionally add comments in the feedback column. Save the file. (You must not rename the file otherwise the upload process will fail).

Stage 4: Prepare the feedback files for uploading

Step 10. Select all student feedback files or student folders (if containing the feedback files) and the Excel file. Right click, click 7-Zip and then select Add to *.zip. (If the .zip file exceeds 250MB, you will need to reduce the number of feedback files that you are attempting to upload and complete the process in batches. You can check its size by locating the .zip file, right clicking on the file name and selecting Properties).

Stage 5: Upload grades and feedback

Step 11. Return to the Blackboard site, click View module & institutional tools from the Details & Actions menu.

Step 12. Click the Marks and Feedback tool. From the Assignment List, click Upload against the assignment name, and browse to add the newly created zip file (created in step 10) and click Submit. Check the Upload Report to make sure all grades and feedback files are uploaded, and there are no errors before you proceed.

Stage 6: Release the grades

Step 13. Click Release Grades to begin the process of releasing the grades and feedback to the Gradebook and post them to students. You will be asked to Confirm Release Grades. Click Yes. Check the Release Grades Report to make sure all grades and feedback files are uploaded, and there are no errors.

Step 14. Click OK. You may want to spot check that feedback and grades have been correctly added to the Gradebook for the assignment.


  • When the grades and feedback have been released to the Gradebook, they will also be posted at the same time and immediately visible to students.
  • Try using the tool with a small number of students to familiarise yourself with the process before uploading grades and feedback file attachments for all students as the process cannot be undone if a mistake is made.
  • Any feedback file attachments incorrectly named will be rejected when uploaded, and if the Excel file is renamed the upload process will fail.
  • You can change grades and feedback by repeating the process of uploading and releasing grades and feedback. It will override the existing grades and feedback files.
  • When looking at the filenames of the feedback files once they have been released to the Gradebook, they will be appended with a random string to maintain uniqueness. The content is not affected.
  • For assignments allowing multiple attempts, only the last attempt will be downloaded, and only the last attempt will be graded.

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