Achievement badges

Achievement badges

Students can be rewarded with achievement badges on their Blackboard sites.

Instructors can specify criteria that students must fulfil or demonstrate (e.g. achieving a certain score in a Blackboard test or completing certain course activities) in order to automatically be issued with a badge.

Important considerations

  • Once an achievement is published on your Blackboard site, it cannot be edited.
  • Available achievements will be visible to students once they are published. If achievements are given to students, this cannot be undone.
  • Achievements cannot be triggered for already completed items (e.g. released grades).
  • Deleted achievements on a Blackboard site will remain visible on student profiles if they trigger the achievement event when the achievement was available.

Create an Achievement

Please follow the guidance on Anthology's Blackboard support articles for creating an Achievement badge.

achievement badges page in instructor view 

Earning requirement settings explained

In the Earning Requirements settings, you can choose an action that triggers the achievement reward to students.

Note: You can add multiple requirements to initiate a badge to be awarded.

new achievement badge settings view 

Below is a brief explanation of available earning requirement triggers:

  • Gradable items: these include assessments, tests, surveys, markable discussions and journals.

You can set the grade threshold for triggering the achievement.

  • Total: total mark given to student associated with a gradable item
  • Supervisor: triggered when a specific instructor marks the gradable item
  • Overall Grade: takes into consideration all the assessed elements in the site

Mark requirement settings available:

  • Custom range: e.g. mark range 68-74%
  • [number] points or higher

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The Digital Learning Team can support you with using digital tools for teaching and learning.