Step 1. Access Panopto. You can access Panopto in three ways: via Blackboard, Windows Application and via browser. When trasnferring videos it is reccommended to use the browser version.
Step 2. In the web version of Panopto, click on Browse, then in the search bar type in the name of the module or organisation site that you wish to copy videos from.
Now select the name of the site from the displayed options.
Step 3. Select the videos that you’d like to copy by clicking the white check box in the top left corner of each video thumbnail,
then click Copy.
Step 4. Then type in the name of the site( your Ultra site) in the search bar. Note: when searching for Ultra sites in Panopto you must search the name of the site and not the module code.
Then hit copy.
Your selected video should now have copied successfully to your new Ultra Blackboard site.