Release Conditions

Release Conditions

Use visibility settings and release conditions to define when students can view and access content on your Blackboard site. In the Content section, you can access the visibility setting for each item and folder in your content list. 

Items in the Content area can be set to Visible to participants or Hidden from participants. By default, all new items are automatically hidden from students.

You can check that items are shown or hidden correctly using the Student Preview tool.

In the visibility menu, select Release conditions to open the item's Release Conditions panel.

With release conditions, you can set a combination of these rules:  

  • Which users or groups have access.
  • When the content is accessible, visible, and hidden.
  • What student performance is required, such as completing an assignment or scoring above a threshold on a test.

Release content by users or groups

Under Select members, choose which users or groups have access to the content. With this option, you can create remedial paths for certain students and provide different content to different groups of students in a Blackboard site.

Release content by date

Select Date/Time to define the time period in which students can access content. 

  • Example: Content is covered in a specific order. You want students to access content only after you've discussed it in class. You don't want students to work ahead.
  • Example: Releasing a test during a specific week.

Release content based on performance

Select Performance to release an item or folder when a student achieves a certain score on an item or gradebook column in your course.  To define the threshold, choose the graded item and grade requirement. 

  • Example: Students must complete coursework in a specific order and after they've demonstrated understanding. You want students to progress to the next item only after they score a B or above.
  • Example: Students must score 70 points or higher on a quiz to access the Chapter 1 Test.

To set additional performance criteria, such as a second threshold the student must meet, select Add additional performance criteria. 

Force the order of engagement for learning module content

Learning modules let students navigate from one content item to the next without distractions or extra clicks. You can set a forced sequence to a learning module to force students to access content in the order you have specified.

From the add or edit learning module screen, under Advance in sequence, select Forced Sequence

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