What is Simulated Practice?
With simulated practice, the student carries out a simulation of a process or activity using a range of methods including specialist software, physical objects, or through physical interactions with others. In an online situation, many of the usual ways to perform a simulation are unlikely to be possible, so software-based simulations are required. The process to be simulated can initially be demonstrated through a recording or screencast, allowing the activity to be spread over a longer period. After the activity, students submit their results or reflection.
In most cases, the feasibility of simulated practice is dependant on both the availability of relevant simulation software and the ability for the students to use the software while not on campus. This means that this an online approach to simulated practice may not be able to replicate all situations that could be achieved in a face-to-face setting. However, simulations that focus on interaction between people, such as a simulated client meeting, may still be achievable by using webinar tools, such as Collaborate and Teams.
Supporting Technologies
Making it work
- Test that the planned activity works in a remote setting and adjust accordingly
- Create a mechanism to encourage the students to reflect on the activity in a structured manner
- Provide a video demonstrating the process as either a pre- or post-activity
- Agree a way to provide support to students while they undertake the activity