What is the Online Seminar?
Useful as part of a Flipped Learning-style approach, in the Online Seminar the entire session is delivered through a webinar tool, with the tutor-led sections being delivered and broadcast to all students online. Depending on numbers and the type of activity, the student-led sections are either facilitated as a single cohort or the breakouts feature is used to place the students into smaller groups with the lecturer moving between breakouts to questions students, provide support and answer queries.
Supporting Technologies
Making it work
- Establish behavioural ground rules for students prior to the session
- Practice using the webinar tool in advance, particularly the breakout features
- Make sure to regularly move between breakout groups because it can be easy to focus on a single group because the others are less visible than in a face-to-face setting
- Recording the session is possible, however, it isn’t possible to record the breakouts using either of the available tools