Recording set up and equipment

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Recording set up and equipment

You can record screencasts and videos with just a laptop, but there are a few things to note to avoid common problems.  

Quiet space. 

Please make sure you are recording somewhere quiet. Students (and staff) who have to listen to videos with people chatting in the background, doors slamming, traffic noises, etc., will disengage very quickly. 

Microphone testing

Please test your microphone and record a test video to check that the audio is loud and clear enough. You’ll be very frustrated if you get all the way through recording your video only to find out your microphone wasn’t picking up clearly. 

You may want to consider using a microphone headset, as this can greatly improve your recording quality. Without a headset microphone, just turning your head can affect your audio. 

Your line manager can request these via DTS. 

Additional equipment 


Computer monitor 

Using at least one computer monitor as well as your laptop screen will make recording your video much easier. This way, you can record one screen and have your preparation and / or script on the other screen. 

Most bookable SHU workspaces have a laptop hub and monitor. 


Not everyone will need a webcam, as all SHU laptops have an inbuilt camera. However, if you need to record classroom exercises, whiteboards, or hard-copy documents, you may find it easier to have an external webcam. You can switch between the inbuilt camera and the external webcam as you record. 

Your line manager can request webcams via DTS. 



Get Support: 

The Digital Learning Team can support you with using digital tools for teaching and learning.

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