At the start of each academic year, you will be required to request your Blackboard module sites. Requesting your sites can be done easily through Blackboard using the Request a Blackboard Site tool, and sites are now created immediately when requested.
You can also use the site request tool to request Staff Organisation sites, Validation/Development Sites, Student Organisation sites and Student Other Organisation sites.
How to request a site
Step 1. On the Blackboard Institution page, scroll down to the Blackboard Tools section and select the Request a Blackboard Site tool.
Step 2. Select which type of site you want to request. Depending on which site you select you will be asked to provide different information.
Module Sites - If you are requesting a module site you will be asked to provide the module code of the site you are requesting. You will then be prompted to select the occurrence of that module.
Organisational/Development sites - If you are requesting an organisational site (staff or student) or validation/development site you will be asked to provide the site details you desire. This includes: Title, Start date and End date. Note: the end date can be extended later if needed.
Step 3. Click [Create Site]
After you request the site it will be created immediately, however you might need to refresh your browser to see it on your list of Blackboard sites.
Linking Module Sites
Sometimes students may be attached to different modules or module occurrences but need access to the same Blackboard site, for example where a module is taught at both HND and degree level.
If the module is taught and assessed at the same time, then it is possible to set up a link on SITS Online so that all the students are enrolled on the same Blackboard site. If the groups study at a different pace, or are assessed at different times or using different modes of assessment, then a link cannot be set up and the students must be attached to separate Blackboard sites.
Request a module link in UniDesk.