Returning Grades and Feedback to Students

Returning Grades and Feedback to Students

Below are some key details around releasing grades and feedback to students in Blackboard Ultra.

  • All marks provided to students on Blackboard Gradebook are provisional.
  • Release of marks and feedback to students in Blackboard Ultra’s Gradebook is controlled by ‘posting’ marks. You can post all marks at once or one at a time.
  • Once marks and feedback have been posted, you cannot 'unpost' them but they can be changed. If a mark has been changed for an assignment, you will need to post the mark again for the student to see it. If a mark has been changed in a 'regular' grade column (a column created in the Gradebook without an assignment), the new mark is automatically visible to the student.
  • If, after posting marks, you add further students' marks and feedback for the assignment or to a regular grade column (e.g. for students with extensions), these cannot be seen by students until you post them. 
  • If you need to hide a set of student marks for an assignment, you can make the assignment hidden from students. However, as well as not being able to see their marks they won’t see the assignment. This may be problematic if you have students with extensions who may yet to submit.
  • If you need to hide a set of student marks added to a regular grade column, you can hide the column by editing it and changing the visibility to hidden from students.
  • All Blackboard module sites remain active while there are students enrolled on the site. Once there are no students enrolled on the module site, the site is automatically archived for a minimum period of 24 months and then deleted. If you need to access marks and feedback on an 'archived' module site, during that that time a support request can be raised via DTS for the module site to be made available again. If colleagues wish to retain copies of feedback provided, this should be saved and stored on their OneDrive. 


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Sheffield Hallam Guidance

Policy for Assessment

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