Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

The university has a duty to ensure that all teaching and research activities are conducted fairly and honestly. To that end, it upholds the following fundamental values that underpin academic integrity. These are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. As a staff member, maintaining academic integrity is an essential part of your duties, and of your professional development. You should model to your students these principles:

  • Honesty: be honest about how your work has been created; acknowledge what is your own work, and where ideas and contributions have come from others.
  • Trust: Others should be able to trust that your work is original and students should trust you to act fairly.
  • Respect: collaboration with others in producing the work is appropriately attributed.
  • All of your findings, conclusions or data are based on ethical practice, and come from well-conducted research.
  • You understand the principles of academic integrity and apply them to your work.
  • You act fairly and maintain academic standards.
  • You have the courage to call out academic misconduct when you recognise it.

Find out more about the ways you can promote and maintain academic integrity at the pages below: