Peer Review and Enhancement

Peer Review and Enhancement

What is Peer Review & Enhancement (PRE)? 

PRE is an opportunity for you to review and reflect on your academic practice with the support of colleagues as critical friends, and for you to learn from supporting them in return. 

What are the benefits of PRE?

PRE helps you to review the methods you use to teach in the environments you use in your practice, to identify ways in which you can develop professionally and successfully apply what you learn to enhance your practice.  Peer observation, normally involving pairings, establishes a rich opportunity to critically reflect your practices as the basis for enhancement activities.

Find out more about PRE in the video below.

Peer Review and Enhancement Explained

How can I engage in PRE?

PRE is owned by you to support the ongoing development of your academic practice. Informed by University, College and departmental priorities, you decide what you will focus on.  You are expected to engage in PRE in a way that is appropriate for your student facing role and the nature of your engagement with students.  Within PRE, you are expected to include peer observation methods each year to help you review the ways you engage students as learners. 

How is PRE activity evaluated?

A brief summary of your PRE activities should be documented on the PRE form and shared with the Department/Centre PRE representative.  The outcomes of PRE should also be reported and discussed at appraisal each year, where your aims for future PRE activity will also be recorded to ensure you have appropriate support and access to further development opportunities.



[insert link to case study/relevant example]

Get Support:

Contact your local School/Institute learning, teaching and assessment lead for support and guidance on the approach your area is taking.

Academic Development and Inclusion can help support you with staff development on a range of teaching topics and how inclusion can be an integral part of your practice.