College LTA Support

College LTA Support

Colleges and Schools/Institutes have key contacts who lead on teaching, learning and assessment and are able to support you with practice in your area.

Associate Deans Teaching and Learning

Business, Technology and Engineering - Joel Gray

Health, Wellbeing and Life-sciences - Alison Purvis

Social Sciences and Arts - Prof. Liz Austen

School/Institute Teaching and Learning Key Contacts


Sheffield Business School - Giovanna Battiston, Jo Winfield

School of Computing and Digital Technologies - Sue Beckingham

School of Engineering and Built Environment - Vickie Mellon


School of Health and Social Care - Kathryn Cassidy and Chris Payne

School of Sport and Physical Activity - Andy Barnes

School of Biosciences and Chemistry - Tom Bassindale


Institute of Law and Justice - Tanya Miles-Berry

Institute of Social Sciences - Charlotte Coleman

Sheffield Creative Industries Institute - Gordon Young

Sheffield Institute of Education - Caroline Smart, Rebecca Mallett