Employability Support

Employability Support

The Careers and Employability team offers support and consultancy expertise to support delivery of the Employability Plan, including meeting the requirements of the Highly Skilled Employment initiative (HSE). This involves: 

Employability Consultants: 

  • Agree employability and career planning priorities with departments and faculties, developing an annual Employability Partnership Agreement (EPA) which directs and targets the BESE resource available to departments (Employability Advisers, Employer Partnerships Officers, the Enterprise Team, and the support for placements provided by the Employability Operations team) 
  • Provide consultancy advice and expertise on module design and assessment, developing students' employability and career planning abilities 
  • Lead and manage the faculty team of Employability Advisers, including management of delivery of Career Readiness content within the curriculum to complement the content delivered by academic colleagues 
  • Provide employability-specific training and development for staff, and resources, information and data to support course teams in delivering the Employability Plan 

Lead on the development of strategic initiatives centrally and in collaboration with faculties and departments, bringing new approaches to employability development, targeting where appropriate specific groups of students to improve highly skilled employment outcomes. 

Please see their Sharepoint site for further information.