Assessment creation process

Assessment creation process

Creating a portfolio assessment in PebblePad contains a series of steps as below. We would recommend speaking to the Digital Learning Team before designing a PebblePad assessment for the first time.

Step one - Design your assessment

Choosing how your assessment will work is important before you start your PebblePad project will work. You can choose to create a Workbook or series of Templates to allow students to work through an assessment by filling in sections of a document you have created. Alternatively you can allow student to create a freeform Portfolio that will give them creative freedom. When designing the assessment think about the trade off between the consistency and simplicity of a Workbook- or Template-themed approach, or creative opportunities - but steeper learning curve - of a freeform Portfolio.

More information on choosing assessment types

Step two - Create the resource

The next step will probably be to create the resource for students to work on, after deciding what form the assessment will take place. The resource can be as simple or complex as the task requires.

If the students are using a freeform Portfolio you may not need to create a resource, but you may choose to share a partially-created Portfolio as a starting point for students.

More information on creating resources

Step three - Set up a Workspace via Blackboard

In most situations you would create a Workspace in ATLAS (PebblePad's marking and administrative area) via Blackboard. This entails creating a link in the relevant Blackboard site or organisation, which will create a Workspace area that will bring across staff and student enrolments, as well as any groups in the site. You can also create a Gradebook column that will receive grades back from PebblePad.

More information on how to create a Blackboard link to PebblePad.

Once your Workspace is set up you will probably attach the resource(s) you have created in step two. You may have additional tasks, such as adding external staff, or changing any settings to personalise the Workspace.

Step four - Receive work, and give feedback and marks

Once this is set up, you will be able to receive work from students in the 'Submissions' area. You can leave feedback and marks for students, and release these when ready to do so.

The Digital Learning Team can support you with using digital tools for teaching and learning.