Training for Academic Advisers

Training for Academic Advisers

There are a range of training and development opportunities for staff undertaking the role of Academic Adviser including guidance on supporting students with mental health issues.

Introduction to Academic Advising

This online, self-access module is mandatory for members of staff who are Academic Advisers. It replaces the previous ‘Being an Academic Adviser’ Blackboard course and the ‘Introduction to Academic Advising’ workshop.

The module begins by describing the remit and role of the Academic Adviser (AA). It then goes on to consider approaches to academic advising and looks at when to refer a student for additional support. The boundaries of the role are examined, as well as how to use learning analytics to track your students’ progress. Further resources to support you in the role are also signposted. The module is interactive throughout, with quizzes and scenarios, videos, and infographics.

Please self enrol on the Academic Induction Framework Blackboard organisation site to access the module.

Please note:

  • You must be logged into Blackboard before selecting the self-enrol link below.
  • This module can be found in the Student Support section.

Self-enrol to access the online module

The UKAT Professional Development Curriculum and recognition

UKAT have a professional development curriculum a which offers a suite of mini modules that Academic Advisers from Hallam can access, many of which are free as part of our Institutional membership.

The mini-modules are online asynchronous activities which consider important aspects of advising and ask the learners to reflect on their own experiences and context. Modules free of charge to Hallam Staff include:

From the Fundamentals level of the curriculum:

  • What is Personal Tutoring?

  • Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

  • Listening Effectively

  • Communicating Effectively with your Students

  • Self-care for Personal Tutors

From the Introductory level of the curriculum:

  • Decoding Cross-Cultural Communication

  • Managing Students in Distress 

  • Personal Tutoring and Narrowing Awarding Gaps

  • Coaching and mentoring Approaches

To sign up for a course you will need to be a member of UKAT. If you are not already a member, you can sign up for Affiliate membership using your Hallam email in the format UKAT also offer a professional recognition scheme

Mental Health Awareness

  • Developed by the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, there are a series of 6x20-minute tutorials in the Mental Health Awareness online package on the HROD People Development Blackboard under organisation sites. It is designed to give non-specialist staff the skills, knowledge, and confidence to offer a first line of support to students who may have mental health issues.

  • You can also access the “Mental Health Aware” workshop. A 3-hour group workshop run by HROD running on a monthly basis. For details and booking please log on to The Core Portal and search Mental Health Aware Workshop.

For advice on a specific situation:

  • The Student Wellbeing Team is able to provide guidance and you can email the team directly using the email title as “Advice Required”. A duty adviser will provide support when they are free.

  • For emergency situations please follow Emergency Protocol as detailed in the Emergency and Students in Distress infographic, which can be found on the front page of the "I am an Academic Adviser SharePoint site".

Support for staff

  • If you feel you need support for yourself, potentially due to supporting students with challenging needs, there is a range of options open to you. You can find more information on the Staff Health, Wellbeing and Welfare SharePoint page.