Postgraduate Certificate Teaching in Higher Education

Postgraduate Certificate Teaching in Higher Education

Applications are now open for the September 2025 cohort of the Postgraduate Certificate Teaching in Higher Education.

The course aims to develop an evidence-based, reflective, and critical approach to learning, teaching, and assessment in Higher Education. It leads to Advance HE Fellowship status via the University’s framework for continuing professional development (TALENT) and it is led by staff from the Sheffield Institute of Education.

Places on the course are limited and allocated as received by our Admissions Team.

The deadline for applications is 31st May 2025. The deadline for responding to and confirming offers made is 30th July 2025.

Please note if we have not heard from you by this time we may need to offer your place to another applicant.

Course details

  • The course runs in term time at City Campus.
  • It is for academic staff who do not hold a teaching qualification in higher education. If you have significant experience of teaching in Higher Education or an existing teaching qualification, you are advised to explore the recognition route to Advance HE Fellowship.
  • Peer networking is an essential and valued component with many useful connections made within and across Colleges.
  • This is a Postgraduate academic qualification in Education and requires a commitment to study Education as a discipline at this level.
  • Face to face teaching takes place in a workshop style three-hour study block once a week.
  • Online live teaching takes place for some weeks of the semester in addition to the workshop.
  • The course starts with a mandatory two-day induction in September.
  • Semester two begins with a mandatory one-day induction in January.
  • Please note your application to the course is taken as a commitment to attend the mandatory induction and teaching sessions as detailed below so please ensure you can meet this requirement prior to applying.





W/C 8th September

Mandatory 2-day induction


W/C 22nd September-W/C 8th December

Module one teaching


W/C 12th Jan

Mandatory 1-day induction


W/C 19th Jan-W/C 20th Apr

Module two teaching

*Weeks 36 and 37 student vacation and no teaching

Pre-enrolment Organisation site

Once you have accepted your offer and prior to the course beginning in September, you will be added to a pre-enrolment blackboard Organisation site using your staff email. This site will contain key information about the course to support you to prepare for the programme. Details about the timetabled sessions will be made available at this time. This resource is likely to be available from July 2025.

Workplan implications

  • Workplan allocation for completing the course will be confirmed as soon as possible.
  • It is expected that you will be released from other duties to attend all scheduled teaching sessions.
  • Line managers please be aware that to fulfil the requirements of the course, all applicants will need to have scheduled teaching in both semester one and semester two and will need to be involved in the design of the sessions in which they will be observed in semester one and two.


  • If completing the course is a contractual requirement this will be funded centrally by the university. If this is not a requirement of your contract you will need to explore funding options with your line manager.

Entry requirements

  • You should hold an Undergraduate Degree or equivalent (please contact the course leader Sarah Rawding to check relevance of professional qualifications).
  • You need to have a minimum of 60 hours of scheduled teaching during the academic year (most staff will have more than this) and this MUST include teaching in Semester one and Semester two.
  • Priority for places on the course will be allocated to individuals where the PgCert/Fellowship is a requirement of the contract of employment, please see below for further details on this.
  • You must have the opportunity to contribute to the development and review of teaching and learning materials in both semester one and two to fulfil the requirements of the assessments.
  • Agreement from your line manager is confirmed via the Line manager checklist. Please be aware that this confirms the allocation of workplan hours, release time to attend the course and the opportunity to design teaching and learning opportunities. Approval must be confirmed via the line manager checklist (e-signature required) and failure to submit a signed form with your application will result in a delay in the admissions process and potential loss of an allocated place on the course as well as possible personal responsibility for course fees.
  • Please be aware, we are not able to accept applications if you are on a student visa.

Once we reach capacity, applicants who have met all conditions will be added to a waiting list and offered a place if one becomes available prior to the mandatory induction in September. If no places become available, all applicants on the waiting list, that have fulfilled the entry requirements will be offered a place on the next cohort starting in September 2026. Please note that line managers will need to complete a revised checklist for this intake.

Contractual requirements

Priority for places on the course will be given to academic staff for whom the PgCert/Fellowship is a contractual requirement. Your line manager will confirm this at the application stage. If you are not required to complete Fellowship/PgCert as part of your contract but want to complete the course and have agreement from your line manager (and there is institute funding available or you are self-funding), you will be added to a waiting list and allocated a place if one becomes available prior to the mandatory induction in September.

Application guidance for staff applying to do the course


Gain the support of your line manager to attend the course.


Ask your line manager to complete the line manager checklist (DOCX, 18.3KB) including their e-signature and return to you.


Send your completed application form (DOCX, 60.3KB), line manager checklist, copy of your degree certificate and if you will be an international student, a copy of your visa to with the subject heading Pg Cert Teaching in Higher Education.


Once all the required information for entry has been received, the admissions team will review your application and be in touch (decisions regarding priority in allocation of places will be dependent on contractual requirements). If the admissions team are a position to make you an offer you will receive this via email and you will need to reply to accept or decline the offer.


Once you have accepted an offer and in mid-July you will be enrolled on the Course Pre-enrolment Organisation blackboard site using your staff login details. You will find key information about the course there and can begin to work on the pre-enrolment tasks. You will receive an email to confirm when this site is available.


Ten working days before the course starts you will receive an email inviting you to enrol. Please respond to this and complete the enrolment tasks to enable you to join the course.

Please note, the deadline for applications is 31st May 2025 and places on the course will be allocated on a first come first served basis, subject to the contractual requirements. If you have not fulfilled all requirements of the offer by 30th July 2025 your place may be allocated to another applicant.