Using Tab Groups in Chrome

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Using Tab Groups in Chrome

If you find yourself having lots of tabs open in Google Chrome it can sometimes to difficult to quickly find the ones you need while you are working and multi-tasking. This video shows you how to use a feature in Google Chrome called group tabs.

[Transcription of the above video]

Hi there. So I’d like to talk to you about tab groups and show you a couple of little interesting things you can do in Chrome and I want to just draw your attention up here. To the top left of my screen. You see I’ve got this Admin, Panopto and OneDrive. Now these are collections of tabs and they could be any old tabs. These are just Microsoft Teams, Outlook and the schedule for the drop in. This works with any tab and I want to show you how to set them up. You can see I’ve got Panopto there, you can see I’ve got my OneDrive folder there, and I just want to talk through how to use them, how to set them up and so on. So I’ve got blackboard here.

Well, we’ll have in a second at least.

And let’s say I want to set up a new and working on blackboard. I want to keep a bunch of taps together so I’m going to right click on this and go add tab to group. Now you can see I’ve got the three I’ve already set up. If I wanted to set it up in an existing group, what I’m going to do is I’m going to go to new group. Now these colours are the colours of the tab. You can see grey is admin, blue is panopto, so it’s just going for the next one along. I could change it if I felt like it, but I’m not going to because I’m going to call this group blackboard.

Let’s see how this yellow line has gone to go round this tab that’s showing that this tab is in the yellow group, which is blackboard. Now I can expand the contract that tab. If I wanted to add another tab to it, I could just. I’m just going to grab something to do with Blackboard.

I could just get my tab. Two ways I could do this. I could either add tab to group and click it on blackboard or if I expand the blackboard group I can drag it in and once again see how this yellow line has gone to gone to cover it showing that it’s in the yellow group. If I change my mind I can just right click remove from group and that’ll put it back. See if it’s got no no surround anymore. So I hope that’s useful for you.

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