Using Cameo in PowerPoint

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Using Cameo in PowerPoint

Using the cameo feature in Microsoft PowerPoint to have your webcam appear on selected slides only. Useful for live sessions and for recordings.

[Transcription of the above video]

There are times when you create and recorded presentation that you want to capture your webcam, but you only want to show it at the beginning. You maybe don’t want to show it right the way through. It’s really good for engagement, for getting students to see that there’s a real person behind things. But maybe you don’t want the distraction of seeing your own face constantly, or you don’t want to take up part of the screen by having video have yourself that isn’t really relevant to what you’re doing.

So what we can do is if we’re using PowerPoint, there’s a new feature that’s just been added called Cameo, and what that allows us to do is to drop on a little webcam feed onto any slides that we want, so it will only appear on the slides where we want it. So you can have it on the introductory slide and then any other point where having the webcam on would be useful, but it wouldn’t be on any slide other than those. So what you do is in PowerPoint.

You go to insert. And we’ve got this button here called Cameo. And if we drop the Cameo on, you can see there’s this little person initially and then it becomes a live feed of the webcam. You turn that preview off if you want with the button. But with the Cameo, you can change the shape, so we can make it square and a few different shape options.

And we can also do things like adding borders, so you can kind of make it how you want, how you want it to appear. So there’s a few different things we can do. Resize, we can rotate, so you can have that video basically however you want and whatever works best for you, moving it around so that it’s out of the way of any of the Of the things that are on screen that are important for the students to see.

So we just drag and drop that just like you would with any other picture. And once we’re happy, we can go into presentation mode and on the slides where the cameo appears, then it will actually show the webcam feed as you’ve seen here. But on the other slides it won’t. So I could add another cameo onto this slide if I wanted to.

And then you’ll see we’ve got one up in the top left hand corner there. Next slide doesn’t have anything. And then the final slide in this particular case has a little webcam feed right down in the bottom corner. So it’s a really great way to have your face shown to these students so they can see again that there’s a real person there. Works perfectly well if you’re doing recordings, but also if you were to be presented online, you could also use this so you wouldn’t have to have your webcam for the entire thing, You could just have it on for the slides that it’s relevant for and it would all be kind of picture in picture in this way.

So really nice feature and it’s just on the Insert Menu items > Cameo

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