Importing Groups & Group Sets

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Importing Groups & Group Sets

A quick 'how to' guide on how to import group sets and groups in Blackboard Ultra when you have lots of student and/ or staff to assign to groups, which would take up too much time to do it manually.

[Transcription of the above video]

This video is to show you how to use the upload method to assign students or staff to groups, when you have lots of students or staffs to assign.
Please note that a group set is different from a group. Group sets are the upper level of which groups are part of.
So you may have a marking group set for example. And within that you would have Davis group, age group etc. within a module or organisation site.
Select groups on the navigation bar. Select import group set.
Select download group sets template. Give me the sensible file name.
Then click save. You notice it goes up in the downloads area up here.
So then you just double click to open it. Maximise the page.
If you just click on the column headers, double click in order to max make them fit the screen.
Here we have an example, one that I've put together.
Um, and here we've got a group set and then we've got three groups within that for, for marking purposes.
You can see the group code. And that's basically the names of the groups you want to be in the group set.
But the name cannot have spaces in. So use an underscore where spaces should be the title,
the human readable name for each group code in the group set that can be the same as the code, all with spaces instead of underscore.
The description is optional, um, but might be useful to students if you're allowing them to self enrol,
and the group set is the name of the group set, and that should be the same for all groups.
Uh, study group sets self enrol whether or not students can sell them all in the group.
That will normally be no. But if you put yes if you want them to be able to sell them role.
Once you're happy with how everything looks. Click save.
Then click upload file. Choose the correct one.
And then you'll notice that it's populated here. And then just select import.
You'll have to refresh the page in order for it to show. But now you'll see that you get group sets being created.
You notice over here where it says members, we've currently got no students assigned in three groups.
So that's when we have to do the next stage. To do this, we have to click into the marking groups that we've just created.
So you'll notice here that we've got, uh, um, uh, unassigned participants.
That's the names of the people that are currently enrolled on the site.
And we've also got our three groups created that we set up in the last stage.
So the next step is to click on this little symbol here import groups or members.
We have to toggle it to assign members. Then we click Download Members template.
Give it a suitable file name and then click save. Again, you'll notice it goes into the downloads area up here.
Double click to open it. And also again, just expand the columns to fit the page.
Here is an example that I've prepared. So again the group code um, is the names of the groups you want to be in the groups at.
And they should all be different and they can't have spaces in.
So use an underscore where spaces should be. These should be the same as the group codes that you had and created in the first step of the process.
The username is the student's username and it begins with the letter.
You can get that from the grey centre.
Download the student ID that's the version beginning with the number that's optional, so don't worry if you don't have it.
The first name is the student's first name, and you can get them from the great sign to download.
The last name is the student's last name, which again you can get from the grades and to download.
And the group set is the name of the group set, which should be the same for all groups, because all the groups are going to be in the same group set.
When you're happy with how everything looks if you just save the document.
Now select upload file. Select the one that you want.
Click open. You'll notice it's populated here. Then click import.
Again you'll have to refresh the page on the browser. And now you'll see that the names of the students have been assigned to the correct groups.
If we go off here and onto the main page, you'll see that three members have been involved on the site.
I've been assigned to three different groups.

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Quick CPD are bite sized videos (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes) that you can watch over a cuppa. Get inspired, learn a new skill that you can quickly put to use in your job and share with colleagues.

Quick CPD is brought to you by the Digital Learning Team. If you have any suggestions for content you would like us to cover, please get in touch: