Creating a Bb Banner Image in PowerPoint

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Creating a Bb Banner Image in PowerPoint

This video will show you how to create and add a banner to your Blackboard Ultra site.

[Transcription of the above video]

This video will show you how to make a banner image for your blackboard site using PowerPoint.

First, open PowerPoint and pick a blank slide. Go to the Design tab and select Slide Size to choose the size of your banner.

PowerPoint seems to like things in centimetres, so bear that in mind.

There are currently 2 versions of Blackboard. The size recommendations for these banners are placed on this page.

After the size is sorted,add any text and pictures. Change the theme in the background until you’re happy with the layout.

Remember, if you want to add text, make sure it’s at the centre of the page, otherwise it will look cropped on blackboard.

Avoid using animated Jeffs, as Blackboard will flag these as potentially harmful and block them to prevent any triggering seizures.

Once you’re happy with the banner design, go to the File tab and click Save As.

Choose the file name and select JPEG as the file type. Then click save. Now the banner is all done, you can upload it to Blackboard.

Log into Blackboard and find the site that you want to add the banner to and Blackboard ultra. Look at the left side menu on the Details and Actions section and then click the Display settings.

This will bring up a window to upload your banner.

Please bear in mind that a banner is a decorative image. Do not include any important information on the banner as this will not be accessible. If you do have information that you want to share with students that is present on the banner, please use the alternative text field to add in any important information you want to share with students. This will ensure that the image becomes accessible. Make sure to toggle on the organisation and image to see it on your blackboard site.

Click save when you’re ready and the page should refresh to see your banner image

and that’s it. Now you have a blackboard site that has a banner image.

Get Support:

The Digital Skills team can support staff with developing core IT Skills

The Digital Learning Team can support you with using digital tools for teaching and learning.

About Quick CPD

Quick CPD are bite sized videos (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes) that you can watch over a cuppa. Get inspired, learn a new skill that you can quickly put to use in your job and share with colleagues.

Quick CPD is brought to you by the Digital Learning Team. If you have any suggestions for content you would like us to cover, please get in touch: