Flipping L - Getting Started with Flipped Learning

Development Information

Date Created:6/4/21

Duration: 1 hour

Type: Recorded CPD Session

Flipping L - Getting Started with Flipped Learning

In this session we will look at how you can ‘Flip’ your teaching to make your time with your students more effective. We’ll cover topics including:

  • what Flipped Learning is and where it is being used;
  • the Flipped Learning spectrum;
  • how to encourage engagement from students;
  • setting expectations of students; and,
  • the design (and re-use) of resources for Flipped Learning.

This will also provide an opportunity to participate in a Flipped Learning experience, with a short resource and activity being shared with participants in advance of the session.


Development Information

Date Created:6/4/21

Duration: 1 hour

Type: Recorded CPD Session