On Demand Development

On Demand Development

Search or filter below to see on demand CPD opportunities which you can engage with whenever you want. There is a mix of recordings and standalone CPD modules.

Showing 23 articles

JISC Learning Analytics

A full training session on the JISC Analytics tool

Enabling Students to Reflect on their Learning

This module begins with a reflective exercise to introduce the concept of ‘meta-learning’, and outlines some case studies of students, followed by a task. The module shares strategies to use in teaching to support students to engage with meta-learning, and there is a useful ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section at the end. The aim is to enable you to develop your students to become autonomous learners, taking responsibility for their learning both at university and beyond.

Ultra Marking and Feedback

Marking and Feedback in Blackboard Ultra

Intro to Ultra for Professional Services

An introduction to Blackboard Ultra for Professional Services staff

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