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- An Introduction to SoTL@SHU
An Introduction to SoTL@SHU
Liz Austen, Sue Beckingham, Joel Gray, Sarah Haywood-Small, Anne Kellock, Alison Purvis
Sheffield Hallam University
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a common term in the sector which relates to the use of enquiry-led teaching and learning (T&L) practice in improving student outcomes and success. This can include engagement in the existing knowledge of teaching and learning, developing ideas and innovation in practice, reflections on your own practice, undertaking research and evaluation, and sharing of your scholarship publicly.
In January 2025, a team of SoTL leaders at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) launched an institution wide SoTL initiative which aimed to build confidence in T&L enquiry, improve student experiences and outcomes and work towards a sustainable infrastructure for the Teaching Excellence Framework. The initiative was created on principles of supporting inclusivity, innovation, experimentation, reciprocity, and valuing different starting points in the SoTL journey. The SoTL leadership team ensures all activities are aligned to SHU ambitions and develops the features of Hallam’ s LTA Framework 2030, alongside ensuring that development activities contribute to progression as cited within the UKPSF and Hallam’s Academic Careers Framework.
Our Aims
The framing and badging of SoTL activity is new to Hallam. During a period of significant institutional change, the SoTL@SHU initiative has set achievable ambitions which aim to build activity from the ground up within a supportive institutional infrastructure. We have three main stages planned:
STAGE 1: To be SoTL-Confident
January 2025 launch followed by...
A six-month programme of activity and support to build "SoTL-Confidence"
STAGE 2: To be SoTL-Active
From September 2025 SoTL Projects develop at module and course level across the three colleges
July 2026 LTA Conference to showcase and disseminate work so far
STAGE 3: To be SoTL-Superstars
From September 2026 cross-college and interdisciplinary projects are the norm, projects span from module level to institution-wide
Outputs range across the full SoTL Staircase (Beckingham 2025).
Proposed Outcomes
In the short to medium term after the launch of SoTL@ SHU it is hoped that current interests and existing work are shared and known internally and those aspiring towards SoTL engagement are supported to join. The visibility of the SoTL@SHU brand will develop and work will be linked to institutional processes that support the reward, recognition, and progression of T&L focused colleagues. In time, this will lead to increased dissemination of SoTL@SHU into the sector.
The longer-term ambitions of SoTL@SHU are for students to recognise that their teaching and learning is enquiry informed, teaching and learning and student experience metrics improve, and through a sustainable strategy for producing evidence for the TEF, the institutional reputation for teaching and learning excellence is enhanced. Finally, the SoTL approach will contribute to the ‘research environment’ and outputs within the Research Excellence Framework strengthening connectivity across T&L and Research, Innovation & Knowledge Exchange portfolios.
Our First Activities
In the College of Business, Technology & Engineering we have had our first college SoTL Group meetings and have established the following inaugural pedagogy clusters:
· EEDI and Inclusive LTA
· Applied Learning and Employability
· Digital and Online Learning
· Assessment
· Internationalisation and International Students
We are open minded to any new cluster ideas – so if your pedagogic passion does not fit into the first five clusters, then help us establish a sixth! Come along to our next meeting and talk to us!
We also have three disciplinary clusters, which mean that staff can come together in their subjects from across the pedagogy clusters to share ideas and learning and create communities of practice relevant to their own areas. Please email the following people to get involved:
· Computing and Digital Technologies – Mark Jacobi, Sue Beckingham and Peter Rowlett
· Engineering and Built Environment – Alan Holloway
· Sheffield Business School – Jo Winfield and Giovanna Battiston
Joel Gray and Sue Beckingham also attended the BTE Professoriate+ Forum and presented the SoTL@SHU aims and development programme.
In the College of Health, Wellbeing & Life Sciences we have held our initial college SoTL Group meetings where attendees established key clusters in the following themes:
· Digital Learning and AI
· Applied Learning
· Inclusive Practice
Sarah Haywood-Small has been attending School Leadership Team meetings to offer ongoing support and connect in SoTL themes with School priorities. At the latest College meeting, Sarah led a workshop which encouraged participants to share their challenges and successes, explore scaling opportunities for SoTL projects and clusters, provided guidance on the simplified funding and application process, and moved the group forward with development of ideas.
In the College of Social Sciences & Arts initial cluster groups have been established and we are continuing to gain interest from several colleagues with further ideas to contribute to the SoTL community. Clusters so far are:
· Employability and Professional Education
· Sustainability and Climate Education
· Inclusive Practices
· Creative Curriculum Connections (Knowledge Transfer)
· Digital/AI in the Curriculum
Anne Kellock has reported back to Institute T&L leaders in the College on progress so far and is working with staff development leads to continue building a SoTL Community in the College and beyond. Monthly meetings with Anne and Liz Austen have included guest speakers sharing experiences of, for example, managing projects. Meetings have also enabled colleagues to participate, share interests and develop project ideas to begin building confidence with enthusiastic responses and a range of Clusters evolving. Clusters are being supported to elect a leader(s), set a range of protocols and meet outside of College and University events.
Join us!
The SoTL network is open to professional services, academics and researchers within Hallam and already has active representatives from all areas. As the next few months progress, the SoTL Leadership Team will be supporting colleagues to feel “SoTL-Confident", and hopefully that will mean more staff can start to become “SoTL-Active” with projects in modules and courses. For further information on this exciting new initiative please use the contacts below:
SoTL Leadership Team
Liz Austen is Associate Dean Learning, Teaching & Student Success in the College of Social Sciences and Arts
Sue Beckingham is an Associate Professor Teaching & Learning in the College or Business, Technology and Engineering
Joel Gray is Associate Dean Learning, Teaching & Student Success in the College or Business, Technology and Engineering
Sarah Haywood-Small is an Associate Head in the College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Anne Kellock is an Associate Head in the Sheffield Institute of Education, College of Social Sciences and Arts
Alison Purvis is Associate Dean Learning, Teaching & Student Success in the College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Liz, Sue, Joel, Sarah, Anne and Alison collaboratively lead SoTL across the three Colleges at Sheffield Hallam University.