Module Evaluation Questionnaires (MEQs)

Module Evaluation Questionnaires (MEQs)

Module evaluation is a comprehensive and systematic process to provide module leaders with anonymous feedback from the students studying their modules.  It is an important part of the quality assurance and enhancement of the University's academic provision and provides a mechanism for collecting feedback from students on their learning experience and their perceptions of the delivery of teaching.  Module evaluation is used to support module review, and reflection on module delivery.


Previous module evaluations have been carried out in various different forms and the way the information has been collected and used has varied.  Module evaluation has not always been considered from a course perspective and the findings have not been consistently shared with students.

The University Leadership team approved a corporate approach to module evaluation, which enables students’ module feedback to be aligned with the key indicators of their course experience provided by other measures such as the National Student Survey and Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey.   A module evaluation system, 'EvaSys' is used to evaluate the University's modules.  EvaSys is a market-leading product used in over 60 UK Universities.

Get Support: 

Support for MEQs is available on a dedicated Sharepoint site currently.